martes, 27 de marzo de 2018

reto #361 TSOT

Hola a todos!!! para el reto del blog Try Stamp OT nos piden usar este sketch
opcionalmente el tema Pensando en ti / Thinking of You

esta es mi tarjeta 

8 comentarios:

  1. Love this little typewriter, Elisa - what a fun background paper that is, too - so colorful! Thanks so much for playing at TSOT!

  2. Pretty colors, Elisa, and your little typewriter is perfect! Thank you for playing along at the TSOT Challenge.

    Have you considered adding a translator button to your blog? I speak two languages but this is not one of them! Thank you.

  3. thank you so much Melanie
    the traslator is up with the flags
    greetings from Chile

  4. great little card. love the background papers and the typewriter really stand out. thanks for joining us at TSOT!

  5. thank you Kaylin
    greetings from Chile

  6. What a clever way to incorporate the "thinking of you" optional challenge, Elisa! Thank you for sharing your talents with us at Try Stampin' on Tuesday! -Donna

  7. thank you so much Donna
    hugs from Chile



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