lunes, 2 de abril de 2018

reto #190 FS

Del blog Feeling Sketchy  nos dan este sketch para realizar:

esta es mi tarjeta 

10 comentarios:

  1. Lovely card. Love how you have used the sketch. Thanks for playing along with us at Feeling Sketchy.

  2. Thanks for joining us at Feeling Sketchy Challenge blog. Very nice and Good luck!
    Bye, Groetjes van Ine (DT)

  3. thank you so much Ine
    greetings from Chile

  4. Beautiful card you made. I like the way have you used our sketch :-))
    Thanks for playing with us at Feeling Sketchy.

  5. Thanks for sharing your work with Feeling Sketchy. I hope you'll be inspired by our next sketches too!
    Maja DT at Feeling Sketchy You can visit my blog: Rilcek in Kljuncek


  6. Lovely work. Thank you for joining the challenge at Feeling Sketchy. Hope to see you again next time.

  7. thank you so much Margaret
    hugs from Chile

  8. thank you so much Maja
    greetings from Chile



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