lunes, 9 de abril de 2018

reto # 388 pp

Hola a todos ! las xicas del blog Paper Players  nos  invitan a participar con esta paleta  de colores :

pues bien , esta es mi tarjeta :

6 comentarios:

  1. JUST LOVELY! Love how you pulled all the colors together. Thanks so much for joining us at The Paper Players this week.

  2. Love the leafy background. It really complements your focal point. Great use of the color palette this week over at The Paper Players - thanks for playing!

  3. thank you Ann :)
    i loved that challenger

  4. Very pretty, Elisa! Your flowers make for a happy card! Thanks for playing with my lavender challenge this week at the Players!

  5. thank you so much LeAnne
    greetings from Chile



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