martes, 19 de marzo de 2019

reto #308 ahs

hola a todos!! Para el blog Atlantic Hearts S  he preparado esta tarjeta siguiendo el sketch que ellas dejan ...

usé papel decorado 
marcadores sharpies
diecut de llama ( intercambio) 
die banderín
el saludo escrito a mano  con toques de glitter

10 comentarios:

  1. This is an adorable card! I love that little llama. Thanks for joining us at Atlantic Heart Sketches!

  2. thank so much Tracy
    have a great day :)

  3. What a cute llama!! Thank you for joining us at AHSC. ~ Shalana

  4. The little llama is adorable, and I love the banner across the top of the card. The stamping looks good across the fringe!
    Thank you for playing along with the Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge! Blessings,
    DT Member

  5. thank so much Christine
    have a great day

  6. I love that little llama, so stinking adorable! Wonderful card! Thanks for playing along with Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge (AHSC).

    Brandi R.
    DT member AHSC

  7. absolutely delightful! too cute! thank you for sharing with us at Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge last week. Good luck!


  8. thanks so much Alicia
    have a nice day



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