sábado, 30 de marzo de 2019

reto anything goes colouring

Feliz fin de semana !! para el blog Colour Crazy Craft Ch  nos piden hacer una tarjeta ( cualquier tema o cosa) pero con el condicionante de que el foco central o sello sea coloreado por nosotros mismos .... pues bien esta es mi tarjeta:

 usé cartulinas troqueladas forma nubes 
sello Aliexpress 
marcadores pastel Bic 
destellos lápiz glitter verde 

I used die-cut cardboards shape clouds
Aliexpress stamp
Bic pastel markers
glitter pencil green glitter

10 comentarios:

  1. Just perfect for the Challenge! Great project! Fabulous that you have shared this with us here at Colour Crazy. Good luck and we hope you will come back again! Jackie DT Member xxx

  2. thank so much Jackie
    have a great day

  3. Love your fun and girly card !
    Thank you for joining us this week at Colour Crazy Craft Challenge
    Margo DT

  4. thanks so much Margo
    have a great day

  5. Just perfect for the Challenge! Great project! Fabulous that you have shared this with us here at Colour Crazy. Good luck and we hope you will come back again! Jackie DT Member xxx

  6. Beautiful card, thank you for playing along with us at the Colour Crazy Challenge and our sponsor the Little Blue Button, love Jane GDT x

  7. thank so much Jane
    have a great day :)

  8. Thanks so much Jackie 😊😊😊
    Hugs frontera Chile

  9. Lovely work. Thank you for joining the Colour Crazy challenge. Hope to see you again next time.



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