martes, 23 de abril de 2019

reto #109 anything goes

Hola a todos!! El blog Retro Rubber Ch  nos invitan a jugar en su reto ...

RRCB 109

pues bien 
para mi tarjeta usé:

Acuarelas para el fondo
un sello goma  de flechas + de 3 años 
troquel de estampilla
el saludo Lettering con toques de glitter 

my background is an idea about doubt or uncertainty that shows us to decide about things in life

8 comentarios:

  1. I like the subtle rainbow wash of colours that you've used. It's an interesting graphic stamp you've used - one I've not seen before. Thank you for joining us again at Retro Rubber Challenge.

  2. Fabulous background! Really pulls the eye in... Thanks so much for joining us at Retro Rubber this week.

  3. thanks so much Eliz
    my background is an idea about doubt or uncertainty that shows us to decide about things in life

    hugs from Chile

  4. This is lovely, I love chevrons and this a great use of that pretty stamp. I really like the colour wash background too. Thanks for joining us at Retro Rubber this time. Claire DT

  5. thanks so much Claire
    have a great weekend

  6. Fun multi-colored card that uses your stamp very nicely! Thanks for playing along with us at Retro Rubber for our AG challenge.

  7. thanks so much Neva
    have a great day



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