jueves, 25 de julio de 2019

xmas in july

Para el blog Scraps of Life by Scrappymo hice la siguiente tarjeta , el tema siempre es Navidad

Usé cartullina de base con bordes en scallop, sellos de flores ( capas) recortadas , sello de saludo y dos palomas troqueladas y repujadas


6 comentarios:

  1. Hi Elisa,
    Happy Rudolf Days
    Such a very wonderful card and a fab design too.
    Love the Beautiful flowers and doves.
    Thank you for joining the Rudolf Challenge.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L. DT

  2. thanks so much Jenny :)
    have a great day , hugs from Chile

  3. Such a pretty card with those beautiful doves. Thanks for joining in the Rudolph Days challenge this month and good luck in the draw.

    Sue xx

  4. thanks so much Sue
    have a great weekend

  5. Your white doves look so petty with the embossed paper that y9ou used here.

    lovely card!

    Thanks for taking part in the July Rudolph Days Challenge.



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