viernes, 23 de agosto de 2019

tarjeta en rosa

Hola a todos!! les dejo las fotos de mi tarjeta para el reto del blog Colour Crazy Craft  #33 Anything Goes

materiales usados:
Base cartulina blanca con bordes scallop troquelados
papel decorado
troquel de:  mariposa en cartulina sólida -  flor en papel acuarela entintado - hojas pequeñas en cartulina con tinta verde spray
sello muñequita ( intercambio) coloreada con lápices color escolar

4 comentarios:

  1. Your card is just darling. I love the fun image and layout. Awesome colors and so glad you shared over at Colour Crazy challenge (this card would work in Creations in Pink challenge)

    Billie A
    Colour Crazy Challenge
    Catch The Bug
    Creative With Stamps
    Aud Sentiments
    Always Fun Challenges
    Creations In Pink
    Crafty Gals Corner
    Crafty Catz

  2. thank so much Billie
    have a great week :)

  3. What a beautiful card you have made here which fits perfectly the Colour Crazy Challenge this week. Love all the extra embellishments as they help to make the card.
    Thank you for entering and best wishes in the draw. Kym (Colour Crazy Challenge Design Team Member).

  4. thanks so much Kym
    have a great weekend :)



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