sábado, 8 de agosto de 2020

LO vacaciones

 Hola a todos!! Para el blog  Challenge YOUrself   #80 corresponde a Vacaciones, la verdad no he tenido vacaciones , he estado en cuarentena desde el 01 de marzo en casa , salgo una vez al mes al supermercado  (con dos horas dan de permiso por las autoridades), así que hice este LO pensando en lo que he hecho en este mes ... además Agosto acá es el mes de los Gatos 😻😻😻

Papel decorado
dos fotos impresas en espejo
troqueles de borde
doodles coloreados y toques de glitter glue
troquel de gato
troquel siluetas en opalina negra
troquel Abc y Números
sello mapamundi ( paper piecing) más botón madera
punch flor en cartulina glitter
el journal lo escribí en la máquina de escribir manual 
y luego recorté las palabras y las pegué en trocitos de papel 
decorado con pequeñas puntadas bordadas a mano 

20 comentarios:

  1. Great page!
    You have so many wonderful features on it. Love the way you did the words!

    Two hours once a month is not much time out, but safer for you all.
    My husband and I still shelter at home as we are part of the high risk group (age, diabetes etc).
    Thank goodness we crafters have something to keep us busy. My husband is starting to get bored now. I am not so much because I (like you) have my crafts.

    1. Oh😊💖👍 thankyou so much Mo!😊
      Hugs and good vibes for you and you husband , patience with him 😊

  2. I love that you made your page about the quarantine and your "stay-at-home" vacation. The photos of you are beautiful and you scrapped them with such creativity! Thank you so much for joining us at Challenge YOUrself this month. We are all very happy that you did! HUGS!

  3. Elisa, nice to see your creation again! Thank you for sharing your stay at home vacation layout with us! I love your photo and all the colors on this layout. Thanks for joining us at Challenge YOUrself this month!

    1. Thankyou so much Maya 💐😊
      Hugs and good vibes 😊👍

  4. Elisa, que linda y alegre pagina! Ya veo que en Chile la situación está parecida a nosotros acá en Panamá, salimos dos horas al día, las mujeres lunes, miércoles y viernes y los hombres martes y jueves. Fines de semana encerraditos!Gracias por participar con nosotras en Challenge YOUrself este mes

    1. Muchas gracias Carmen, si la.cosa con este virus es ensayo y error y aveces logro 😊 acá a diario aumentan los contagiados pero según las autoridades vamos bien 😵
      Me.encanto el.reto , me.gusta hacer cositas scraperos 😊 sobre todo me.sirve como terapia antiencierro 😷👍

  5. So creative with your design. I love your colorful flowers. They are the perfect touch. Thank you for joining in with us at Challenge YOUrself.

    1. Thanks so much Tracy💐😊👍
      Hugs and.have a great day

  6. This is very cool! I love how your photo is mirrored and the circles at the bottom. Great take on the challenge. This year has been a vacation bummer for everyone, but I'm glad you were able to document what's been going on. Thanks for playing this month at Challenge YOUrself!

  7. This is such an eye-catching design! So vibrant and pretty!
    Thanks for joining us at Challenge YOUrself!

  8. Beautiful page with so many nice colours! Thanks for joining Challenge YOUrself! Hugs Åsa

  9. Beautiful layout! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Challenge YOUrself! -Lori DT

  10. Beautiful layout! Thanks for joining us at Challenge YOUrself!



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