miércoles, 20 de enero de 2021

congratulations card

 Holaa todos! Para estos blogs he preparado la siguiente tarjeta:

1.- Simon Says Wednesday  Make your own Background

2.- Atlantic Hearts Sketch Ch #404  nos dejan un bosquejo para interpretar

usé para el fondo un esténcil y tinta azul y verde
troquel scallop rectangular 
papel vellum y folder emboss mini polka dots
sellos de amapolas y rotuladores 
toques de glitter glue dorado
saludo stiker 

10 comentarios:

  1. Wow! Those bright flowers just pop on the stunning stencil background. Gorgeous work! Thank you for joining us at Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge this week.

  2. I love the colours in your card. So bright and cheerful!

  3. Love the fancy die cut and the beautiful colorful flowers! Thank you for sharing with AHSC.

    1. thank you so much😊💐👍
      i used stencil and hand cut flower stamps
      have a great day

  4. This is very pretty!! Your stencil technique is lovely. Thank you for joining the Atlantic Hearts Sketch challenge this week!

  5. Beautiful card, I love it! Thanks for playing along with Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge (AHSC).

    Brandi R.
    DT member AHSC



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