domingo, 7 de febrero de 2021

amor de lana LO

 Hola a todos !! Para el blog Challenge YOUrself #86 tema Celebrate Love , en mi caso amor de futura abuela 😊😊😊😍 

Para mi LO usé  papel decorado, letras de foam con glitter glue , margen cosido a mano , flores hechas a partir de punch corazón, brads estrella -gema y normal, troqueles de letras , sello ovillo de lana coloreado con rotuladores, 3 gemitas de corazones , diecut chinita o mariquita, fussicut flores y fotos  , stiker 3D borde , las fotos las recorte (silueta) , journaling impreso y recortado 

18 comentarios:

  1. Your layout is absolutely beautiful. I love the way you scrapped about your grandchild not yet born! So precious!!! Thank you for joining us at Challenge YOUrself this month. We are very happy that you did!

  2. Very colorful layout! I like how you cut out the photo. Thank you for joining us this month at Challenge YOurself!

  3. Oh how pretty! I just love all the tiny pops of colour scattered on your lovely piece!
    Thanks for joining us at Challenge YOUrself!

  4. So sweet! I love your design, the flow, the colors and the textured diecuts. Well done! Thank you for joining in with us at Challenge YOUrself.

  5. I love your layout. You have so many fantastic details that add such interest to your page!! Thank you for joining Challenge YOUrself this month!

  6. What a happy page - great design!! Love the fussy cutting and that hand stitching is great! - Thanks for playing along with us at the Challenge YOUrself Blog!!

  7. Elisa, your layouts are always so colorful and unique! Love the colors, the combination of different materials, and your love to your grandchild. Thank you so much for joining us at Challenge YOUrself this month!

  8. Beautiful layout! I love the glittery letters! Thank you for joining us at Challenge YOUreself!

  9. Que linda pagina Elissa, bellos detalles de los zapatitos y gorrito. Y que lindo tejes! Gracias por participar con nosotras en Challenge YOUrself este mes.

    1. Muchas gracias por tu comentario 💐😊ten una semanita preciosa



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