lunes, 26 de abril de 2021

hope card

 Hola a todos!! Para los siguientes blogs...

1.- Simon says Monday Add a quote 

2.- Scraps of life by Scrappymo  Abril Rudolph Days Ch 

3.- The Paper Players  #538 sketch 

Hice la siguiente Tarjeta...

usé troquel rectangular con falso cosido
papel decorado
cartulina metálica 
cartulina glitter
troquel árbol - troquel paloma
figura 3D  impresa y luego recortada por partes 
saludo stiker


10 comentarios:

  1. This is so sweet! I love the little boy with his puppy! You certainly rocked my sketch. So happy you joined us at The Paper Players this week!

  2. Such a wonderful card Elisa. Thanks for joining the fun at Rudolph Days this month.

    Sue xx

  3. Elisa your decoupage scene is adorable - what a sweet little chap with his dog. Thanks for playing along with us over at The Paper Players this week

  4. You have created a really sweet scene on your card. It looks so lovely.
    Thanks for taking part in the Rudolph Days Challenge.

  5. Aaah what an absolute cutie and a great layout too, thanks for joining us April's Rudolph Days Challenge, Luv Sam x



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