miércoles, 28 de abril de 2021


 Hola a todos!! para los blogs ....

1.- Simon Says Wednesday Anything Goes 

2.- Word Art Wednesday  Week #489-490 Anything Goes 

Hice la siguiente tarjeta...

usé troquel irregular rectángulo
papel decorado
tinta para el borde del saludo
esténcil de hojitas más témpera en pasta metálica
troquel de sol
troquel de hoja parra
punch de mini dots en cartulina roja ( uva) 
el saludo escrito a mano 

8 comentarios:

  1. Stopping by from Word Art Wednesday to say - thank you for dropping off your lovely art at the bi-weekly challenge - it is always a pleasure and honor to have you join in on the challenge - I wish you the best in the draw for a fabulous prize - Have a blessed day - Gail Scott DT WAW

  2. Such a pretty Cheerful card! I love the dimensional effect Thank you for entering in the Word Art Wednesday Challenge. Ginny M, DT

  3. SO pretty. I love the colors and textures. Thanks SO much for sharing your talents with us at Word Art Wednesday. I'm so grateful to have you play along, and I hope you'll join us again soon.
    God bless you,
    Word Art Wednesday



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