lunes, 5 de abril de 2021

welcome summer card

 Siguiendo con los retos , para los siguientes blogs realicé estta tarjeta...

1.- Cupcake Inspirations #516 Dreaming Summer

2.- Sketch Saturday #654 bosquejo

3.-  Double Trouble Paper Crafting Ch #81

usé cartulina amarilla primer panel
segundo panel cartulina entintada y repujada con un folder de emboss hojas
cartulina metálica verde
troquel de flor y hoja
saludo diecut 

11 comentarios:

  1. So very summery! Beautiful. Thank you for playing along with us over at Cupcake Inspirations!
    Sandy, DT

  2. Beautiful embosseed and sponged background for your lovely bouquet of flowers... hope you share this with us at Double Trouble partnering with Cupcake Inspirations, and come back for future fun challenges.

  3. Hi Elisa, I recognized that gorgeous shiny green paper right away! Your flower looks beautiful with it. Thank you for joining the challenge at Double Trouble!

  4. Love the bold colours and the flower - perfect for summer. Thanks for sharing with us at Double Trouble :)

  5. Love the bright summery colors and those wonderful die cuts. Thank you for joining us at Sketch Saturday.



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