martes, 5 de julio de 2022

I love blue card

 Hola a todos!!

les dejo las fotos de una tarjetita que hice para dos retos ...

1.- Atlantic Hearts Sketch Ch #480

2.- Show us your pussicats ch #79

usé papel decorado
troquel scallop
troquel ovalado 
sello gatito coloreado con lápices glitter y plumones
saludo stiker

14 comentarios:

  1. Cute and colorful card! You've used our sketch well. Thanks for sharing at Atlantic Hearts.

  2. What a sweet card! The blue checkerboard and stripes combo is perfect.
    Thanks for sharing with Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge
    Patty S, Design Team

  3. That kitty is adorable and I love the scalloped edges on the background papers. Thanks for sharing with us at Atlantic Hearts :)

  4. What a cute image and beautiful blue papers.
    Thank you for joining us at Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge.

  5. What a cute card. The kitty is so cute! Thank you for joining us at the Atlantic Hearts Sketch challenge and hope you can join us again soon.
    Anna, Design Team

  6. such a cute card! scalloping those edges really makes it! thank you for sharing with us at Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge.


  7. sp adprable card!
    Thanks for joining us at theSUYP-cats only challenge,
    good luck in the draw and I hope to see you soon.



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