domingo, 8 de enero de 2023

muchas felicidades card

 Hola a todos!! hoy les dejo la foto para el reto del blog the Paper Players #622 

usé troquel rectángulo 
sello fondo tinta azul
sello flor 
glitter glue
troquel mini tags
medias perlas 
el saludo escrito a mano (lettering)

8 comentarios:

  1. I love the fun background and the pretty flowers! The ribbons on your tags are perfect! So happy you joined us at The Paper Player this week!

  2. Beautiful in blue! The stitching is such a wonderful detail. I love how the ribbon and pearls accent the tags. Thank you for playing with The Paper Players this week!

  3. Love the bright colours and fun sentiment tags! Thanks for sharing with us over at The paper Players this week!



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