miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2023

te amo card

 Hola a todos!!

Hoy comienza el mes del amor y amistad , y el mes de cumplevida 😍😅😅😅

así que hice la siguiente tarjetita para celebrar y participar en los retos de...

Simon Says Wednesday Love is in the air

Retro Rubber #199 Tickled Pink 

Show us your Pussicats Ch Furrything goes / love 

Usé troquel scallop rectángulo
troquel corazones
folder embos 
cartulina rosa y rosa bebé
sello gato 3 años aprox 
rotuladores rosas 
troquel mini letras
opalina negra
glossi accent
lápiz sacura blanco 

10 comentarios:

  1. Lol, such a sweet kitty, and so happy to see he got such happy mail! Beautiful pinks, and I love the shape of your card! Thanks so much for playing at Retro Rubber!

  2. Beautiful care lichazul! I love this sweet Kitty offering shiny flowers, lovely pink card!

  3. So adorable, Love the scalloped border, and that kitty is just too cute. Thanks for playing at Retro Rubber.

  4. This is gorgeous! You matched the DT with your choice of Cat stamp, a few of us went this way! I love how you have put the sentiment onto the heart balloons. Thanks for joining us at Retro Rubber this time. Claire DT

  5. its so cute!

    Thank you for playing at SUYP/Cats only challenge
    Hope to see you again! Good luck!
    Fiki from Bad Kitty's Craft Room 🐱



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