martes, 7 de febrero de 2023

te amo card

 Hola a todos!! Para los blogs...

Simon Says Monday ( repite tema) Love is in the air 

Cupcake Inspirations  #562 Valentin's day 

The Paper Players #626 The music is in the air 

Atlantic Hearts Sketches # 511 

usé troquel pespunte rectángulo
papel decorado corazones y rayas
troquel notas de música
troquel de globo 
troquel de banderines
punch de mini corazones
glossi accent

16 comentarios:

  1. What a fun, cheerful card! Love all the music notes---perfect for my challenge this week at the Players!

  2. Very cute - love the pink music notes! Thanks for sharing with us at Atlantic Hearts :)

  3. Such a cute card! I love the pink music notes and the hearts. Thank you for playing with The Paper Players this week!

  4. Adorable air balloon! Thank you so much for sharing your card at Atlantic hearts Sketch Challenge

  5. I love this card as always your submissions to Atlantic Hearts Sketch challenge are divine. Great job and good luck in the challenge.


  6. Absolutely adorable! Thanks for sharing with us at Cupcake Inspirations! Nance, CIC DT

  7. Oh this is FABULOUS!! I LOVE that balloon and the fun music notes you used. Thanks for playing with us at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge.

    CIC DT

  8. Love it! Absolutely adorable.
    Thank you for joining us over at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge Blog.
    Revati, Cupcake Inspirations DT Member



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