lunes, 6 de marzo de 2023

with love card

  Hola a todos !!! Para los  blogs...

Simon Says Monday emboss it 

Cupcake Inspirations #564 bees 

Atlantic Hearts Sketches Ch #515 

Park Hopping my happy place march 2023 

usé troquel rectángulo pespunte
lámina cobre
folder emboss tuercas 
troquel flor 
imagen impresa
saludo sello 
papel decorado

10 comentarios:

  1. This is adorable! Thanks for playing along with us at Cupcake Inspirations!

  2. 💛💛💛this!! I saw this at the SSS Monday Challenge and came by for a closer look. I would love you to come and play with us at Park Hopping My Happy Place Challenge. Your cute bee reminds me of the Busy Bees Ride at Dollywood, TN, USA. I hope you'll join the fun! Have a creative weekend. Join at or with #parkhoppingmyhappyplace on Instagram. Cheers, Makira

  3. Thank you for sharing! Cheers, Makira

  4. This is SO CUTE!! I love the metallic elements and that bee is too fun!! Thanks for playing with us over at Cupcake Inspirations Challenges!!

    DT CIC

  5. Super cute card, love the bee, and the shine on this card is wonderful. Thank you for playing our challenge at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge. Happy Crafting!

    Leanne DT Member/CIC
    Cupcake Inspirations



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