martes, 23 de mayo de 2023

felíz día card

 Hola a todos!! Para los blogs...

Atlantic Hearts Sketch #526 ch  

Retro Rubber Ch #207 Anything goes

usé esténcil de hojitas
témpera sólida
troquel rectángulo con pespunte x
sello flor 
glitter glue 
saludo escrito a mano
cartulina blanca y beige

sello + 2 años 

10 comentarios:

  1. Love this card you have produced using the sketch. Colours are great. hugs Mrs A.

  2. Lovely tag Liza.
    Thanks for dropping by my blog


  3. So pretty, Elisa, what a fabulous background! Your blossoms look wonderful over it, and I LOVE the stitching! Thanks so much for playing at Retro Rubber!

  4. love the different colors of leaves that you've created for the background, love your take on the sketch. Thank you for playing with us at Atlantic Heart Sketch



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