domingo, 23 de julio de 2023

saludos card

 Hola a todos!! Para los blogs...

The Paper Players #650 sketch

Freshly Made Sketches #595 

Son casi iguales !! 😍😊😊😊

mi tarjetita la hice 

usé troquel scallop rectángulo
troquel rectángulo punto cruz
papel decorado
tag acetato reciclada
hilasa rosa
gema flor
muñequita impresa
glitter glue
saludo escrito a mano
lápiz Sakura 10 blanco

10 comentarios:

  1. Your paper-pieced little girl is properly ready to venture out into the rain - love the acetate panel detail too. Thanks for playing along with my sketch challenge over at The Paper Players this week!

  2. What a sweet image - I LOVE the glitter you added to her umbrella. She looks fabulous with all of the detail behind her. Thank you for playing along with us at Freshly Made Sketches.

  3. Preciosa, así ando yo, paraguas, botas, parka. Ya pasará. Me gustó tu niña

  4. Não basta ter os materiais, é necessário ter imaginação e criatividade.
    Obrigado pela partilha.
    Abraço amigo
    Juvenal Nunes

    1. De hecho hacer tarjetas es lo más fácil, materiales simples y paciencia es todo, pasa que las que nos gusta más de lo común optamos por algunas herramientas y materiales
      Saludos y gracias por comentar 🙂

  5. Elisa, your little sweetie is adorable. I love the scalloped edges and the shimmer and shine from the mirror paper and the embellishments. Fabulous card. So glad you shared this with us at The Paper Players this week



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