martes, 29 de agosto de 2023


 Hola a todos!! Para los siguientes blogs ( no quise hacer dos entradas separadas) 

Try Stamping 'On Tuesday # 622 sketch

Retro Rubber Ch #214 sketch + stamp older one year

hice dos tarjetas usando los requisitos que ellos piden 

usé troquel scallop rectángulo
troquel borde scallop 
troquel borde blonda
sello saludo 
troquel mariposas
troquel hexagonal
media perla

usé troquel scallop rectángulo
troquel panel perforado
troquel panel de abeja
sello abejas y saludo 
glitter glue
medias perlas doradas

sello 3 años aprox /  stamp 3 years aprox

Muchas gracias al Team Retro Rubber Ch por elegir mi tarjeta
además me eligieron como diseñador invitado 
para el próximo reto !!
felíz , gracias 

10 comentarios:

  1. Elisa, such a pretty interpretation of our Try Stampin' on Tuesday sketch! I love the colors you chose, and the great texture from the die cuts!! Thank you so much for sharing your creativity with us!!! -Donna

  2. Lovely pieces created
    Happy Tuesday. Thanks for dropping by my blog today


  3. So pretty, Elisa - I love the bee theme! That honeycomb die is so fun for our sketch, and I love the touch of sparkle on the wings! Thanks so much for playing at Retro Rubber!

  4. Such a cute card.It's so bright and cheery! The yellow pearls really add a lot too! It's nice to see you over at Retro Rubber! :)

  5. Beautiful card. I like your choice to use three fancy die cuts for your angled stripes. The layered butterfly is so pretty. Thanks for joining us at Try Stampin' On Tuesday.

    sue n.



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