domingo, 10 de septiembre de 2023

felicidades card

 Hola a todos!! feliz domingo, acá está que llueve, este invierno ha sido como los de antes ( como cuando fui niña) 

para los blogs...

Sunday Stamps #317 solitud nature ( tres colores más uno neutro ) 

The Corrosive Ch # 9 Anything goes

My Bestie Spanish Ch # 111 anything goes 

Dragonfly Dreams September Happy Birthday 

esta es mi tarjetita...

Usé troquel rectángulo punto X
rotuladores azules y café
scraps cartulinas
troquel mandil 
troquel herramientas
troquel cuadrado
sello gatito
glossi accent
folder emboss 
saludo escrito a mano 

16 comentarios:

  1. So lovely, Elisa, great idea to focus on the blues! Super cute (who doesn't want a kitten for their pocket?) and great details! Thanks so much for playing at Sunday Stamps!

  2. Very cute - love the blue and tan colour scheme. Thanks for sharing with us at Dragonfly Dreams :)

  3. Fun take on our color combo with your apron of tools...that kitten in the pocket is just adorable! Thanks for playing along with our "Solitude In Nature" color challenge over at Sunday Stamps!! -Deb Horst, DT #SSC317

  4. Hi ! Your project is beautiful. Thank you for play with us at My Besties - Spanish Challenge and good luck. LOvely work.

  5. What a fun card! I love the apron full of tools and the sweet little kitty peeking out! So happy you joined us at Sunday Stamps!

  6. Aw, what a cute little work apron! The little kitten sticking out is so adorable! Thanks so much for sharing on Sunday Stamps.

  7. Hola amiga! Tu proyecto es muy bonito !!!
    Gracias por acompañarnos en los retos de My Besties Spanish este mes.
    Que tu fin de semana sea muy bendecida!
    Lidia R. Dt Coordinator at
    Mi blog personal:
    My Instagram:



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