lunes, 30 de octubre de 2023

pensando en ti card

 Hola a todos!! Buen comienzo de semana 😊

para los blogs...

Atlantic Hearts Sketch # 549

Cupcake Inspirations #581 colors coffee - jeans - cream 

Simon Says Monday  Thinking of you /pensando en ti 

usé folder emboss hojas y tejido
troquel hojas
cartulina blanca y colores
papel vellum
tres gemas
troquel rectángulo
saludo escrito a mano 

hoy 08 nov mi tarjeta fue elegida
Muchas gracias TEAM AHSCH

hoy 13 Nov me entero que mi tarjeta salió elegida
Muchas gracias TEAM Cupcake Inspirations 

16 comentarios:

  1. Beautiful CAS card! I love the embossing and colors of the die cuts. Vellum is a lovely touch. Thank you so much for joining us at Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge.

  2. This is absolutely beautiful. I LOVE the leaves and the whole design. Thank you for playing with us this week at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge!!

    DT Member
    Cupcake Inspirations Challenge

  3. Beautiful card. Love all the details. Thanks for playing at AHSC this week.

  4. Stunning! I absolutely love this, the embossing, the vellum, everything! Thanks for playing along with the Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge (AHSC).

    Brandi R.
    DT member AHSC

  5. Love this card, great colors, and the embossing is very nicely done. Thank you for playing our Color Combo Challenge at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge. Have a great day!

    Leanne DT Member/CIC
    Cupcake Inspirations

  6. beautiful card, thank you for playing at Cupcake Inspirations!



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