martes, 16 de enero de 2024

artjournal page

 Hola a todos!! Tengan una semana preciosa 😊

Tuesday Morning Sketches #470

Simon Says Monday Sparkle and Shine

Beautiful Blossoms Ch #13 anything goes optional mod board

The Paper Players #772 colors black -white - plus pop bold color

hice la siguiente página , usé sello de flor , markers azules, troquelados mariposas , reciclé una tag de ropa, gemitas, sello saludo , troquel borde scallop , glitter glue 

14 comentarios:

  1. Your pretty blue flowers are just beautiful! And the butterfly tucked in there is pretty too! Thanks for sharing this with us at the Paper Players this week!

  2. Very pretty florals on your art journal page!!
    Thank you for joining our challenge at Beautiful Blossoms!
    Diane BB DT
    {Nellies Nest}
    {Beautiful Blossoms}

  3. Your beautiful flowers really pop, Elisa! So pretty! Thanks so much for joining us this week over at The Paper Players!

  4. Beautiful flowers. I love the pop of color on the black and white.Thank you for joining Tuesday Morning Sketches

  5. Gorgeous florals and a lovely designed journal page. Thanks for sharing with us at The Beautiful Blossoms Challenge. We're always inspired by everyone's creativity!
    Donna xx
    Beautiful Blossoms Challenge
    Inspiration Station Challenge
    Paper Funday Challenge

  6. Beautiful! I love that you used our sketch in a journal! It's lovely, those flowers in blue are beautiful for your journal page. Thank you for joining us at Tuesday Morning Sketches.



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