sábado, 17 de febrero de 2024

smile more card

 Hola a todos!! Para los blogs...

Tic Tac Toe #241  sparkle-watercolor-flowers

Beautiful Blossoms Ch #14 anything goes / mood board

Freshly Made Sketches #623 

usé troquel rectángulo
sello margarita
lápices acuarelables  /watercolor pencils 
glitter glue dorado y claro
sello saludo
troquel borde emboss
folder emboss arabescos

10 comentarios:

  1. very pretty -- I like how you used an embossed panel on the bottom

  2. Beautifully designed floral card!
    Thank you for joining our challenge at Beautiful Blossoms!
    Diane BB DT
    {Nellies Nest}
    {Beautiful Blossoms}

  3. I absolutely love Sunflowers and the images as well as your card design are lovely! Thanks for playing along at the Beautiful Blossoms Challenge. We hope you'll share again soon.
    Donna xx

  4. WOW! Love this design! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at Beautiful Blossoms! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often. We appreciate your support!

    BB DT

  5. Nice design and blooms!
    Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Beautiful Blossoms Challenge!
    xoxo, Aimeslee DT



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