martes, 5 de marzo de 2024

happy day card

 Hola a todos!! Para los blogs...

Tuesday Morning Sk # 747

Cupcake Inspirations Orange and Blue colors

The Paper Players Rainy Days 

hice la siguiente tarjeta:

usé troquel rectángulo
troquel hexágonos
sello botas agua
folder emboss lluvia con paraguas
rotuladores naranjas/  Orange markers
glitter glue
hilo naranja
saludo escrito  mano 

Mis rotuladores naranjas / Orange markers 

14 comentarios:

  1. What a fun embossing folder with all those umbrellas. I love your red boots, too! So glad you joined my challenge at The Paper Players this week!

    1. Sorry ....Orange boots , Orange lines , Orange borders😅😅😅
      Thanks so much 💐☺️ happy day

  2. I love you fun card! The orange and navy are fantastic and the embossed umbrellas are adorable.

  3. Those sparkly wellies are so cheery for a rainy day and I love the umbrella-embossed background too. Thanks for sharing with us over at The Paper Players this week!

  4. Thanks for playing our challenge at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge.

    Leanne DT Member/Cupcake Inspirations Challenge

  5. So pretty and I just love that embossed background. Thanks so much for joining us this week over at The Paper Players.

  6. Adorable. I love how you used the shapes on this and your embossed background is fabulous. Thank you for playing with us this week at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge!!

    DT Member
    Cupcake Inspirations Challenge



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