sábado, 13 de julio de 2024

atc especialmente para ti

 Hola a todos!! Para los blogs...

Simply Clean &Simply First Anniversary

The Paper Funday Ch #67  Anything Goes optional critter crazy

Color my Heart C D #609 Black & Baige + 1 color

usé troquel scallop
dos pegatinas
troquelado moño 
sello saludo

18 comentarios:

  1. That is so sweet, really cute card! Thanks for sharing with us at Simply Clean & Simple.

  2. Oh, so cute! Love the big clock. Thanks for sharing with us at Colour Dare :)

  3. Very cute card and nicely colored. Thank you for joining in at Color Dare.

  4. Adorable sticker die cuts, love the clock image. Thanks for sharing your card with us at Color Dare.

  5. This is a sweet ATC, whoever you share it with will love it. Thanks for sharing your lovely card with us at The Paper Funday Challenge. We look forward to seeing more of your creative designs soon.
    Donna xx
    Paper Funday Challenges
    Inspiration Station Challenge
    Beautiful Blossoms Challenge

  6. Fun card! Love the rabbit and the clock image. Thank you for joining us at Color Dare.

  7. Wonderful card. That clock is awesome & love how the bow matches the color of it. Cute image, too! Thank you for sharing at Color Dare.



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