domingo, 27 de octubre de 2024

be positive card

 Hola a todos!! Para los blogs...

The Paper Players # 713 Sketch

Shopping Our Stash #533 Feather

Seize the Birthday #294  Feather 

hice la siguiente tarjeta:

Usé troquel rectángulo 
washitape panel 1
sello pluma y folder emboss panel 2
sello y troquel plumas
markers para colorear
glitter glue
sello saludo
troquel etiqueta
tinta azul 

14 comentarios:

  1. Beautiful, Elisa! I am a fan of feather images, and I LOVE the colors you used for these. The sentiment is truly uplifting. Thank you for playing in my Sketch challenge at The Paper Players this week!

  2. Great feather images! Thanks for joining in at STB

  3. Beautiful feathers and background strips! This is absolutely sweet! Lovely to see your card at Seize the Birthday!

  4. Such a lovely card, Elisa! I love the feathers and the great patterns. This sentiment is great for all! SO happy you joined us at The Paper Players this week!

  5. Love your pair of brightly coloured feathers and fun patterned papers Elisa. Thanks for sharing with us over at The Paper Players this week!

  6. So happy to see our first card in the lineup using the Topping. This turned out wonderful. Love the mix of papers and texture too! Thanks for playing at Seize the Birthday!

  7. Fantastic!! Way to go shopping your stash for our "birds of a feather" challenge!! We are so glad you joined the fun and played along with us over at Shopping Our Stash!! These bright feathers are perfect for this challenge!!
    Deb Horst, DT #SOS533



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