martes, 22 de octubre de 2024

especialmente para ti card

 Hola a todos!! Para los blogs...

Tuesday Morning Sketches #779

Cardz 4 Guyz T is for  T-Rex

Critter Crazy Ch # 91

Crafty Animals #88

hice la siguiente tarjeta:

Usé troquel rectángulo
panel pintura acrílica
folder emboss
troquel hoja
troquel ovalado
stiker T Rex
sello saludo

Muchas gracias TEAM Cardz 4 Guyz por elegir mi tarjeta

14 comentarios:

  1. Love the texture of the background and the fun image. So glad you shared over at Cardz 4 Guyz

  2. Isn't this adorable! Thank you for joining us at Tuesday Morning Sketches.

  3. So cute. Love those different textures.Thank you for joining Tuesday Morning Sketches.

  4. Fun card! I love the embossed background and your fun dinosaur!
    Thanks for playing along at Tuesday Morning Sketches!
    Debbie - TMS DT
    Debbie's Dash of This and That

  5. I just love that dinosaur (as the grandmother of a MAJOY dinosaur fan) and your painted panel. Thanks so much for creating with us this week at Tuesday Morning Sketches!

  6. T is for T-Rex!! Yes!! Some little guy is gonna love this card!! Thanks for playing along with our "T is for_______" challenge over at Cardz 4 Guyz...your T-Rex card rocked both the masculine element and our T theme!!
    Deb Horst, DT #C4G358

  7. Great card. Thanks for sharing it with us at the Critter Crazy challenge. Janet DT



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