miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2024

retos card

Hola a todos!! Para los blogs...

The Male Room #191 Trees

The Paper Funday October #70 Colors of Autumn Anything Goes 

Addicted to Stamps and More #478 Birthdays

hice la siguiente tarjeta :

Usé troquel rectángulo base
troquel scallop panel 
cartulina craft 
folder emboss 
troquel círculo hojitas
cartulina café y naranja
troquel árboles
glitter glue
sello saludo 

por elegir mi tarjeta entre sus top 3

y para el blog  Simon Says Wednesday 
hice la siguiente tarjeta:

Usé troqueles
sakura blanco
cartulinas y papel decorado 
el saludo lo escribí a mano 

16 comentarios:

  1. Elisa, what great texture and depth you have created on your card! All that embossing and die cutting leaves the eye checking and double checking all the elements of your card... wonderful! Thank you for sharing your creativity with us at The Male Room for our "trees" challenge!!! -Donna

  2. Beautiful colors and die cut elements. Thanks for playing along in The Paper Funday Challenge and sharing your lovely card with us.
    Donna xx
    Paper Funday Challenge
    Inspiration Station Challenge
    Beautiful Blossoms Challenge

  3. Love all of the texture and color on your fall birthday card. Thanks for sharing your card with the Birthday Challenge at Addicted to Stamps & More. Cathy ATS&M DT

  4. So pretty! Thanks for joining us at The Paper Funday!!

  5. Great autumnal card!
    Thank you for joining us at Addicted to Stamps and More challenge.
    Happy crafting!
    Catherine x DT

  6. Love the colour scheme of your die cuts! Thanks for sharing with ATSM!

  7. Fantastic card. Thank jou for joining us at The Male Room challenge. Goga

  8. Such a marvellous card. I love the texture and design. Thank you so much for joining us in our Trees challenge at The Male Room Good Luck and I hope you will join us in our next challenge.
    Faith DT

    Please remember to copy and paste the challenge badge into your post. It is a requirement we look for when choosing our winners and honourable mentions.



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