martes, 19 de noviembre de 2024

merry christmas card

 Hello a todos!! Para los blogs...

Tuesday Morning Sketches #783 

Simon Says Monday Emboss It 

The Paper Players #716 A Christmas clean and simple

hice la siguiente tarjeta:

Use troquel rectángulo
troquel marco
folder emboss punto cruz
cartulina craft
heat emboss bola navidad
sello acebo 
glitter glue rojo 
sello saludo

10 comentarios:

  1. That strip of partial embossing is a great detail. Isn't gold embossing just so hard to get a good photograph of? Thanks for sharing with us at The Paper Players.

  2. Elisa, I love the touch of kraft - it's perfect with the white. I also love the layer of texture running down the right side. fabulous card. So glad you shared it with us at The Paper Players this week

  3. So pretty. Love the embossing on the dome section.Thank you for joining Tuesday Morning Sketches

  4. My goodness this is simply gorgeous. I love it so much. You did a beautiful job. Thank you so much for creating with us this week at



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