domingo, 16 de febrero de 2025

felicidades card

 Hola a todos!! Para los blogs...

The Flower Challenge #99 pink 

Beautiful Blossoms #26 

Sketch Saturday #769

Hice la siguiente tarjeta:

Usé cartulina craft
folder emboss arabescos
troquel scallop 
sello ramo y flor
rotuladores rosados para colorear
Glitter glue
tiralínea 0.1 negro remarcado 
sakura blanco 
punch mini margarita
cartulina dorada
sello saludo 

6 comentarios:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this pretty card with us at The Flower challenge the embossing works so well with those pretty flowers giving lovely texture.


  2. Very pretty CAS design and lovely florals. Thanks for joining us at The Beautiful Blossoms Challenge, we're always amazed at the talent shared with us.
    Donna xx
    The Beautiful Blossoms Challenge
    The Inspiration Station Challenge
    The Paper Funday Challenges

  3. Your lovely flowers pop off the pink background, Elisa, and the embossed panel adds wonderful texture. Thanks for sharing your card with us at The Flower Challenge.



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