martes, 9 de abril de 2019

Rainbows / Any thing goes

Hola a todos les comparto una Tag  ( Téc CAS ) que hice para participar  :

Válida para los siguientes retos :

Retro Ruber #108 Rainbows ... butterflies +  words stamp ( +2 years ago)

Catch The Bug Ch Anythig Goes  ... tag

8 comentarios:

  1. Hi Elisa,

    Your rainbow butterfly tag is so simple and pretty! I'm sure it would brighten anyone's day! Thanks for joining us at Catch The Bug for our April Anything Goes challenge! Hope to see you again soon! :)

    ~Marie B -DT

  2. thank so much Marie
    i loved your challenges

    hugs from Chile

    (i use translator google )

  3. Such a pretty rainbow of butterflies! Your tag is so lovely. The sight of it makes me feel happy! Thanks for joining us again at Retro Rubber Challenge.

  4. thanks so much Jan
    have a great weekend :)

  5. This is lovely and so simple. Thanks for joining us at Retro Rubber. Claire DT

  6. thanks much Claire
    hugs from Chile :)

  7. Such a pretty clean and simple tag! Love the butterflies! Thanks for joining us at Retro Rubber for our Rainbow challenge.



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