lunes, 27 de mayo de 2019

reto #318 ahsch

Hola a todos!! del blog Atlantic Hearts S Ch  nos dejan este sketch para seguir o interpretar ...

esta es mi tarjeta 
no quise hacerlo idéntico al bosquejo

Materiales usados: 
Base cartulina blanca con troquel scallop
troquel y repujado trozo cartulina blanca
flores dibujadas y coloreadas a mano
punch mariposas
saludo stiker en tag troquelada 
toques de glitter en mariposas y flor

this is my card

I did not want to make it identical to the sketch

Used materials:
White cardboard base with scallop punch
Die-cut and embossed piece of white cardboard
flowers drawn and colored by hand
punch butterflies
salute stiker in die-cut tag
glitter touches on butterflies and flower

4 comentarios:

  1. what a wonderful card! oh those flowers!!! just gorgeous! great job and thank you for sharing with us at Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge


  2. thanks so much Alicia :)
    have a great day
    hugs and good vibes

  3. I love that you did not make it identical and put your own style into it, very pretty card. I am really inspired by your projects each week, they are beautiful! Thanks for playing along with Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge (AHSC).

    Brandi R.
    DT member AHSC


  4. thanks so much Brandy,
    i like make variations or with one touch personal in the card :)
    hugs and good vibes



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