domingo, 26 de mayo de 2019

reto may rudolph days

Hola a todos , para el blog Scraps of Life by Scrappymo  anything goes ( cuyo tema siempre será Navidad) he preparado esta tarjeta...

materiales usados: Base cartulina blanca con troquel scallop , panel fondo papel decorado ,
una tag en cartulina blanca , cartulina con glitter blanco, troqueles de estrellas, sellos  coloreados con lápices de color escolar con  toques de glitter  , sello saludo, tres trozos de cinta .

materials used:
 White cardboard base with scallop punch, 
decorated paper background panel, 
white cardboard tag, 
white glitter cardboard, 
star dies, 
stamps colored school  pencils with glitter touches,
 greetings stamp,
 three pieces of ribbon.

4 comentarios:

  1. Such a beautiful card, I love the icy snowdrifts that you've created.
    Thanks for joining in the Rudolph Days challenge this month.
    Sue xx

  2. thanks so much Sue
    have a great day :)

  3. Your card is adorable. You did a great job on the swirling snowdrifts!

    Thanks for taking part in the May Rudolph Days Challenge.

  4. thanks so much Mo
    happy day for you :)



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