lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2019

lunes de retos

Hola a todos!! como día lunes 😊😊😊 con el ánimo genial ( adoro los lunes)
he preparado la siguiente tarjeta para los retos de tres blogs convocantes...

1.- Double Trouble Paper Crafting ... #37  tema Otoño ( usar papeles con colores otoñales)

2.- The Paper Girls Challenge #183 Falling in Love

3.- Get Creative Challenges # 84 ...Anything goes

4.- Mojo Monday #522 ....sketch 

Materiales usados...

Base cartulina Blanca, troqueles, sellos , pintura acrílica, tintas al agua, marcadores al alcohol , lápiz glitter transparente

técnicas: heat emboss (powder)  y  emboss (folder emboss)

11 comentarios:

  1. Such a fun harvest card. Thanks for joining me for Mojo Monday!

  2. thanks so much Julee
    hugs and good vibes
    happy week

  3. Beautiful card. Thanks for joining the fun at Double Trouble.

  4. Stunning fall all the embossing of the background and your glittery pumpkins. Thanks for sharing with us at Double Trouble but you have also met the requirement for The Paper Girls "Falling for You", our partner with this challenge...I'm sure they would love to see your card on their challenge too (the link is on our post).

  5. thanks so much Suzanne !!
    i go to the blog The Paper Girls
    hugs from Chile

  6. These rich fall colors and embossing go together to make a beautiful fall card! Thank you for joining us over at Double Trouble!


  7. Wow! This is a beautiful fall card, Elisa. The pumpkins are colored perfectly. Thank you for playing along at Double Trouble Challenge #37.

  8. Love the colours in this card. Thanks for entering it in the Get Creative Challenge.



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