viernes, 27 de octubre de 2023

gracias card

Hola a todos!! Tengan un fin de semana genial 😊😊😊

para los blogs...

Tic Tac Toe Ch #232 metallic - embossing - thanks 

Retro Rubber Ch #218 fall Picnics yellow - green - brown - blue - white ( usar 3 o los 5 colores) 

esta es mi tarjeta ...

usé troquel rectángulo
lámina metal aluminio
folder emboss hojitas
troquel palabra Gracias ( 4 capas) 
rotuladores color
troquel hojas
troquel banner en cartulina café
glitter glue 

8 comentarios:

  1. What beautiful dies and embossing! Love the look of this, Elisa - lovely! Thanks so much for playing at Retro Rubber!

  2. Super colors on this wonderful die cut and great texture too.

  3. The embossed foil looks fantastic Elisa and I love the contrast of the rainbow sentiment! Thanks for coming to play with us at the Tic Tac Toe challenge this week! Vicky x

  4. That embossed foil is wonderful, makes the sentiment pop! Thanks for joining us at Retro Rubber this time. Claire DT x



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