jueves, 26 de octubre de 2023

wonderful card

 Hola a todos!! Estoy recontenta, el equipo de Try it on Tuesday  me invitó a participar como diseñadora invitada para su próximo reto "Sparkle All The Way" , para finales de octubre , así que les envié mi tarjetita, muchas gracias Team por confiar en mi trabajo 💐☺️

usé troquel calado panel superior
témpera metálica verde y lila
folder emboss mini polka dots en panel interno
troquel estrellado en capas
cartulina blanca - lila y lila con glitter
troquel ramitas en cartulina blanca
glitter glue 
troquel palabra más glossi accent
mini medias perlas lilas

8 comentarios:

  1. Love the die cuts and colors on this card.

  2. A beautiful card Elisa, love the sparkly colours and that's a stunning die cut.
    Lovely to have you join us as our Guest Designer.
    Avril x

  3. Such a beautiful card! I love your design with all the sparkle that you created, it looks stunning and perfect for our challenge 😊. Thanks so much for the inspiration and for joining us as Guest Designer over at Try it on Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks so much Jo 🤗
      Have a great week, hugs and blessing 💐☺️

  4. I think this is such a fun and cheerful design, love the glittery focal point and the puffed up leaves for dimension. Thanks for being our guest designer at Try it on Tuesday.



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