sábado, 7 de octubre de 2023


 Hola a todos!! Hace rato que no hago un LO , esta vez hice uno para el blog ...

Challenge YOUrself # 118  what's your favorite quote / "cual es tu frase favorita "

usé papel decorado y cartulina color 
troquel estampilla grande
troqueles flores , ramitas, mariposa, número, letras 
  sellos numeros, flores, 
punch de bordes
germitas, lentejuela
toques de glitter glue 
foto ...mi impresora no funciona bien :(
la frase es de Humberto Maturana 

8 comentarios:

  1. Hi Elisa! Your layout is absolutely beautiful. I love your quote, too! Thank you so much for joining us at Challenge YOUrself this month. We are all very happy that you did! Hugs, Sharon

  2. Awesome layout!!! Thanks so much for participating in our CHALLENGE YOURSELF challenge!!! I appreciate that you play along and I enjoy visiting your blog!! Have a happy crafty day!! Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper

  3. So pretty! Thank you for joining us at Challenge YOUrself!

  4. Love this! Your colors are so pretty and love the design. Thank you for joining in with us at Challenge YOUrself.



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