viernes, 6 de octubre de 2023

with love card

 Para el blog 

Cupcake Inspirations # 579 color palete ...b orange - green - sky blue 

usé troquel rectángulo
troquel borde scallop 
cartulina naranja
folder emboss mini polka dots
sello calabazas
rotuladores para colorear
glitter glue
pequeña gema 
stiker saludo 

Thanks so much TEAM Cupcake Insp  por elegir mi tarjeta 
super contenta 😊

4 comentarios:

  1. Love the colours of the pumpkins - the perfect way to use the colours of the challenge! Thank you for playing along with us at Cupcake Inspirations, have a great weekend!

    Sasha DT Member/CIC

  2. This is so festive. I love that you colored those pumpkins in the challenge colors. SO cool. Thank you for playing with us this week at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge!!

    DT Member
    Cupcake Inspirations Challenge



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